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Equipe Cycliste FDJ


Inside FDJ - Immersive website

How to reflect the values of the company FDJ, the purpose of which is to entertain as many people as possible, so as to promote the achievements of its cycling team?

Of course, we ultimately proposed a fun and immersive digital experience, enabling you to cheer on live the FDJ cycling team in the Tour de France.

Tour de France from the heart of the race, sharing the emotions of the riders, feeling the physical effort, and celebrating victory together.

The user is invited to log in and become event spectator and participant at the same time. Each stage is aired via live streaming by means of onboard cameras, broadcasting the event in 360°.

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Iphone shape mask
Inside FDJ - VR 360
FDJ - Tour de France
FDJ - Brand Strategy
FDJ - Brand Content
FDJ - Brand Identity
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